Care-workers are participating in mandatory weekly COVID-19 testing.
Care workers are using personal protective equipment (PPE) for activities that bring them into close personal contact, such as washing and bathing, personal hygiene and contact with bodily fluids. All care-workers are wearing gloves and changing them regularly (washing hands where possible). Aprons and fluid repellent surgical masks and face shields are in use.
Frequently touched surfaces in client’s homes are being wiped down regularly after use.
No, our services are for adults with disabilities and the elderly.
An appointment will be arranged for you to have an assessment with our Registered Manager/Director (Tamera) in the comfort of your own home. This assessment ensures that we have a full understanding of your care/support needs and the environment in which the carer will be working.
We will write your care plan from the information given at your assessment. The care plan is written about you and how you want to live your life. Your family/close friends are welcome to attend as we like to feel as though our family is a part of yours.
After every visit, your carer will record the details of the activities undertaken during the visit on our PassSystem application. Your carer will have compulsory tasks set on the app, as detailed from your care plan. In addition, there is a time sheet left in each property (which is retained by the client) in which carers are to write down the time they enter and leave the property. This is returned to the Crystal Caring office fortnightly for checking.
Yes we are registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
The Care Quality Commission for England (CQC), Care Inspectorate for Scotland, and the Care & Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) are responsible for regulating care services in the UK. They will carry out an unannounced visit of Crystal Caring Limited and rate the service they provide. Our current rating is displayed on our webpage.
Please email or call for all information about prices.
Nexus Business Centre, 6 Darby Close, Swindon SN2 2PN
Every member of the Crystal Caring team has been through a rigorous vetting procedure before they start working with us – they are all DBS- checked and multiple references are provided. In addition, all staff will always be in uniform and wearing a personalised identification card which shows their name, photograph, and position alongside our logo.
Crystal Caring Limited will receive your completed application via email. We will hold this application for the entirety of the application process. If you are unsuccessful, this information is destroyed. The recruitment process takes a maximum of four weeks. Therefore, you can expect us to have hold of your information for four weeks.
You will be introduced to your care team so you will know who is coming to see you. We appreciate that continuity of care is desirable for both parties and that developing a rapport with your carer helps alleviate a lot of stress and anxiety. Because of this, we work with our clients to assign them the best suited Carers and ensure they have the same Carers attending their needs.
Our office is open from 8am to 4pm, Monday - Friday. Outside of these hours, our Senior Carer or Managing Director will have the on-call phone manned. The number for this is no different outside of office hours, as the receiving device switches from our office telephone to the On-Call phone.
Any important healthcare updates will be made via a phone-call to your next of kin, and any updates regarding you or your care plan will be given directly to you via a phonecall or scheduled visit.
Any business updates are made public through our online newsletters or Facebook page.
You can sign up for monthly newsletters at
The blog page shows small articles, related to Crystal Caring Limited and the care industry, that our employees have written. They are there to give you a better insight into our company and the care industry.